2021 Mid-Winter Bible Conference

Members of the 2021 AFLC Northwest District assembled for the Mid-Winter Bible Conference at United Free Lutheran Church February 5 and 6, where Reverend Terry Olson lead three sessions focused on the theme “restored.” The sessions were also virtually accessible via Facebook Live. Provided below are the streaming videos of each session.


Session #1: Restored Lives

Session #1: Restored Lives


Hymn #507 “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”

Session #1 Rev. Terry Olson – RESTORED LIVES

Hymn #190 “Sweet Hour of Prayer”

Session #2: Restored Congregations

Session #2: Restored Congregations


Hymn #526 “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”

Session #2 Rev. Terry Olson – RESTORED CONGREGATIONS



Session #3: Restored Hope

Session #3: Restored Hope
Hymn #607 “Be Thou My Vision”
Session #3 Rev. Terry Olson – RESTORED HOPE

Hymn #571 “He Hideth MY Soul”